Monday, September 14, 2009

Flied Pork Set = Fried Pork Set
This is a spelling mistake.
Salad and Soap = Salad and soup
This is a spelling mistake.

New Cap and head = New Caps and Hats
This is a spelling and grammar mistake.

Yongan Sexphone Competition = Yongan saxaphone Competition
This is a spelling mistake.

Lactic Acid Juice Flavour = Fruit Flavour
This is a grammar mistake.

Front Robby = Front Lobby
This is a spelling mistake.

I wander what joy is in my life = I wonder whay joy is left in my life.
This is a spelling and grammar mistake.

This is a spelling mistake.

Asian Dog & Asian Sand= Asian Hotdog & Sandwich
Soft cream= Ice cream
These are spelling mistakes.
Erection in progress=Construction In Progress
This is a spelling mistake.

No smorking =No smoking.
No tout = No touch.
These are spelling mistakes.
Done by,
Vivian and Chindhoo.
Pictures taken from,